Kaer Connect
Convenience and transparency
Everything you need, in one convenient location

Kaer Connect is the first customer experience app designed specifically for CaaS customers, giving you instant access to everything you need in one place.
With real-time chilled water and comfort conditions available 24/7, along with minute-by-minute trending data, billing details, and ESG reporting, Kaer Connect puts complete control at your fingertips.
लोगों के जीवन और हमारे ग्रह पर परिवर्तनकारी प्रभाव पैदा करना
'शीतलन सेवा' को भवनों और व्यवसायों को ठंडा करने का सबसे टिकाऊ तरीका माना गया है और यह संयुक्त राष्ट्र सतत विकास लक्ष्यों के साथ पूरी तरह संरेखित है।

Industry-standard monitoring & controls:
A mix of open-protocol, best-in-class control systems ensures interoperability and real-time visibility into building performance.
AI-Driven optimisation:
Proprietary in-house software continuously fine-tunes operations, maximizing efficiency and sustainability.
Custom-built user experience platform:
Designed to provide real-time insights, control, and a seamless interface for building owners and operators.
Third-party integrations:
Our system connects with leading data management, visualization suites, and ERP systems to streamline operations.